Please email us for any inquiry. For purchase, you just have to email us through the “Send Enquiry” button. We will contact you to make an appointment to pick up the artwork. You can choose to pay via bank transfer, Paypal or by cash.
任何查詢,歡迎電郵聯絡.如有興趣購買,你只需在想買的作品旁按下”Send Enquiry”電郵我們,我們便會和你聯絡,然後在約定地點看畫和交收。至於付款辦法可選擇透過銀行轉賬,Paypal 或現金支付。
[md_contact_form myemail=”[email protected]” title=”Enqury” success=”Enqury Sent Success!” failure=”Enqury Sending Fail!”]