l’apres-midi – where you’ll discover your favourite art piece. Whatever your style, we’ll have just the right one to complement your living space. With a wide variety of work from different local artists, you’ll only find 100% original quality artwork here. Besides showing your support for the local art community, you’d be investing in a truly one-of-a-kind art piece, and who knows what kind of value it has in store.
l’apres-midi 晏晝畫廊。在這裡,可以找到配合你家居陳設,配襯你品味,同時令你居室生色不少的作品。而且,這些都是百分百的真跡藝術品,是香港藝術家們獨一無二的心血創意,再者,這些作品的價錢,只是和一些複製品或臨摹品相若。所以,在這裡,你可能會以最低的價錢,購買到隨時升價百倍的藏品,同時亦能對香港藝術家們,作出點點的支持。