Frank To
To Kin Chung Frank. Born in 1975.
Frank studied drawing, painting, ceramics, printing and photography during his secondary school years in the United Kingdom. He went to Hong Kong afterwards and received a Master of Architecture from University of Hong Kong. Projects in the period mostly involved design of 3-dimensional space, form, colour and material. Concepts and ideas of function, art and architecture were explored. Series of figure drawing, line-drawing and photography were also completed in the same period. Now, Frank lives and works in Hong Kong, as an architect/artist. He concentrates mainly on pencil, charcoal drawings and acrylic paintings.
Frank於英國接受中學教育,其間學習繪畫,陶瓷,攝影等。之後回到香港大學取得建築碩士學位。Frank 於修讀建築時對三維空間,形體,顏色及物料的運用,均對他日後的藝術創作有深遠影響。他主要以鉛筆,木炭,塑膠彩為創作媒介。